Rolled into Jay and Sunni's driveway after another beautiful drive which included an hour or two in the Avenue of the Giants. We tried to drive through a redwood, but the Cello is too tall with all the gear stacked on the roof.
Jay and Sunni treated us to their famous pad tai at dinner and we finished off the night with a delicious bottle of Jordan Cab. 2004.

Rooster Quinn kicked into full vocals early in the AM, so we got an early start on the day.
Visited some good Eureka highlights including Sunni's yarn and antique shop where the Marvins invested in some vintage Mad Men cocktail glasses. Luan brought us to her stables and introduced us to her new White Arabian horse, Amir.
Other stops included ice-cream at the scoop and best of all a visit to Wesphailia Guru 'Outer buoy Bob' who walked us through is two VW campers which he was lovingly restoring. thanks Bob.
Humboldt County, dang, you can get a contact high just walking through Arcata Park. At 4:20 things get particularly lively.
Even sober as a judge, hiking through the redwoods is good for anyone's soul, but its particularly inspiring for a band of dragon slaying, fort building six, five and four year olds.
Had another Scrivner dinner extravaganza with fresh, fresh salmon and pea pods.

Congratulations on the new horse Jay. Remember, while you're sleeping, that horse is eating.

Luan and her boys.

Friday: set off for camping in the old growth Redwood forest with Jay and gang (minus Sunni who was off to Utah).
Camping was a blast. Jay Luan and August led the way south into the redwoods to The banks of the Van Duzen river and the campsite.
We hiked the virgin, first growth redwood grove which adjoined the camp and found all kinds of cool places to explore. Best of all was a giant redwood which had fallen across the river and made a perfect bridge, suspended ten feet over the water. Being in the company of five fearless woodsmen all under the age of 6, we thought it perfectly fine to do a off the path crossing for the fun of it. Luckily, everyone, including Quinn, made it safely across the span with only a few breathless bobbles along the way.
After the hike we went for a group swim and even got the boogie boards and an 8ft foam surfboard out into the rapids. Tasha led the charge on that endeavor.
We slept after smores and a good bonfire in the Cello for our last night camping. All of us were commenting on how we could do this for a very long time if given half a chance. We'll sorely miss our ride.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Humboldt County
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